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Walk through the largest furniture shopping mall in Taipei 大都會國際家具館

作家相片: edenchu8edenchu8

Walk through the largest furniture shopping mall in Taipei Hello all our friends, Welcome to our brand channel. Hope you enjoy this video. Please Subscribe and Like for the next video. Thank you for watching. #台北最大家具旗艦館#大都會家具

00:00 正片開始

00:41 大都會家具信義館|進駐品牌旗艦店平面配置圖

00:55 LORENZO羅蘭索

01:10 Hilker德國優客

01:23 King Koil美國金格名床

01:49 春夏秋冬家具

02:41 TRUMP CASA川普傢俱

03:34 W.SCHILLIG威里席利

03:55 Global Views中聯發

04:47 Oderbau 歐得葆

05:07 美國蕾絲床墊

05:15 HIKOU 日工住宅空間設計

05:21 auping荷蘭歐品

05:24 QXlighting綺軒燈飾

05:56 圓夏鄉村家具

06:04 City Mart 信義旗艦館 全新開幕




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